Brian Henry


Brian Henry
Tattooing since 2005. Specializing in black and grey, visionary work and portraits.

Contact Brian

    -Please Read-

    Brian Henry has an assistant who books his appointments. Must be 18 years of age or older. Please allow at least 2 weeks for her to respond. She will respond if your tattoo request is within Brian’s artistic vision and style. If she doesn’t feel that its a good fit, his assistant will refer you to another artist within Black Sage.  Cover-ups ARE an option, however, only if laser lightening is done to get the skin where it needs to be for Brian to do a proper coverup within his black and grey style. The skin tone in an important middle tone for black and grey work, thus lightening needs to go further with his style.

    Please note, not everyone will get a response. Please do not call the shop asking if your email has been received.  If a response has not come back to you within the allotted time, the project is not a good fit. We appreciate you reaching out, and hope to see you at Black Sage Studio.